Reading Session: Decolonial feminist perspectives on Agroecology
Every Monday from 17h to 19h, to read together, stories research, poetry and exchange ideas, share thoughts, feelings and experiences. Our upcoming sessions focus on metabolising the commons, exchanging on and practicing agroecological transitions; and exploring post-growth realities of food as a common. -
EN -
07.10. -
17.00-19.00 -
SAE Greenhouse Art-Lab -
SAE Greenhouse Lab and arvae
Nurturing life with, through, and thanks to living organisms requires centering voices and practices that foster commoning. During the Days of Agroecology in October and beyond, we will create spaces to explore post-growth realities of food as a common good. With artists and scientists, through stories of land, seeds, water, and knowledge, we will host a series of events — readings — that offer a space for transdisciplinary exchanges on agroecological transitions.
Every Monday in October, we will hold reading sessions in the greenhouse, focusing on decolonial feminist perspectives in agroecology. Over the past year and a half, these weekly gatherings have provided an opportunity for students, artists, and researchers to read, listen, and engage in grounding practices that nurture slow and thoughtful reflections on existence and resistance.
In resonance with the events in Romandie, we will explore 'Quiet' Expressions of Hope: Carrying the Transition Towards an Agroecological Present and Future in Morocco.
The small library, curated by arvae and the SAE Greenhouse, gathers texts and books collectedand available for consultation upon request.