Online Workshop: Farmers’ application of promising agroecological practices in the global South - Join the Sufosec learning journey
What are critical factors and reasons for farmers to apply agroecological practices during the early phase of the agroecological transition?​ Sufosec invites agroecological practitioners in the global South to exchange on how to shape the agroecological transition. The identified co-created results will feed into a synthesis of promising practices and will be distributed in key professional networks and the wider public. This online workshop is part of a 4 years learning journey of the Alliance of Sufosec, consisting of 6 leading NGOs in the Swiss international cooperation on agroecology: Aqua Alimenta, Fastenaktion, Skat Foundation, SWISSAID, Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Suisse and Vivamos Mejor. -
EN -
18.10. -
09:00-11:00 -
Online (Zoom) -
Meeting Link
Sufosec Alliance
What are critical factors and reasons for farmers to apply agroecological practices during the early phase of the agroecological transition?​ The Alliance of Sustainable Food Systems and Empowered Communities (Sufosec) invites agroecological practitioners in the global South to exchange on how to shape the critical, first steps of the agroecological transition. This online workshop is part of a 4-year learning journey of the Sufosec Alliance, consisting of 6 leading NGOs in the Swiss international cooperation on agroecology: Aqua Alimenta, Fastenaktion, Skat Foundation, SWISSAID, Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Suisse and Vivamos Mejor. It aims to facilitate exchange and co-create knowledge on promising practices to enable farmers' adoption of agroecology. The learning journey is designed in three phases:
2021 - Farmers’ learning and understanding: How should learning models and tools for co-creation of knowledge be designed to successfully enhance agroecological practices?
2022 - Farmers’ application of promising practices: What are critical factors and reasons for farmers to apply agroecological practices sustainably?
2023 - Enabling environment: Which supporting elements and mechanisms should be in place for a sustainable implementation of agroecological practices at scale?
In the spirit of joint participatory learning and co-creation of knowledge, we invite interested agroecological practictioners, incl. partners, staff of coordination offices, staff of direct partners working with farmers on agroecology, and farmers to join the workshops and share their success stories. To build on former results, you can learn from the results of the household baseline survey on agroecological practices in all Sufosec partner countries as well as from the "Inventory on selected learning models for agroecology", which has been co-created with all participants in 2021. We invite you to co-create a similar synthesis of promising practices with us in this years' workshop, which will be distributed in key professional networks and the wider public. Join us to make the principle of co-creation of knowledge in agroecology a reality!