Agrobiodiversity evolution: seed systems, participatory plant breeding and seed regulations
Conference and workshops on: Farmers'seed systems, legislation on seeds, participatory plant breeding. This event is part of the international workshop "Agrobiodiversity and food systems: entangled questions" (27-28 October 2022). -
EN -
27.10. -
9:30 - 17:30 -
Aula IDHEAP, University of Lausanne -
Getreidezüchtung Peter Kunz, Critical Scientists Switzerland, semnar, UNIL, IGD, EPFL, SWISSAID
Agrobiodiversity and Food Systems: Entangled Questions
Climatic and geopolitical crises are challenging our food systems. Pushed by a looming food crisis, agricultural policies and related scientific approaches highlight the need for a shift towards more sustainable agriculture. In the field and in international arenas, agricultural science and policy strategies reflect competing approaches to innovation, sociotechnical change, and pragmatic ways of facing urgent problems. Starting from situated dynamics of sociotechnical change, this workshop aims to discuss entanglements between crop diversity management and the trajectories of food systems. The first day will be dedicated to the question of how participatory plant breeding can contribute to strengthening seed sovereignty and fostering agrobiodiversity through interdisciplinary approaches. The second day will focus on food systems and how a socio-ecological perspective can help us to identify changes and patterns in power relations, technologies and metabolism in agriculture.
Registration is free but the number of participants is limited