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Public Lecture Series "Agroecology and the Transformation to Sustainable Food Systems", Focus Topic Participation

  • Informazioni in breve

    This public lecture series provides a variety of perspectives on the topic of agroecology. Experts on various elements of agroecology provide inputs and share state-​of-the-art knowledge. This fall, a series of five lectures will highlight the principles of biodiversity, animal health, social values, participation, and land and natural resource use governance.
  • Lingua

  • Data

  • Ora

    18:15 - 19:15
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  • Organizzatore

    World Food System Center, ETH Zurich

Agroecology is a promising integrated and holistic approach that aims at transforming food systems. Among its core is the sustainable conservation and protection of biodiversity and natural resources through the co-​creation and sharing of knowledge. This public lecture series provides a variety of perspectives on the topic of agroecology. Experts on various elements of agroecology provide inputs and share state-​of-the-art knowledge. They will share their experiences and learnings related to agroecology in different contexts. The public lectures are thematically structured along the 13 principles of agroecology, proposed by the High-​Level Panel of Experts for Food Security and Nutrition of the Committee on World Food Security. This fall, a series of five lectures will highlight the principles of biodiversity, animal health, social values, participation, and land and natural resource use governance.

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