Closing Event: Walking together - An Exchange with the Global South to Strengthen the Agroecological Movement
Informazioni in breve
The closing event explores what the agroecological movement in Switzerland can learn from the global movement, especially from the South. The aim is to develop and strengthen strategies in and beyond Switzerland to amplify agroecological transitions, build community and conceptual clarity. -
EN -
31.10. -
15:45 - 19:15 -
Kuppelraum, Hauptgebäude Universität Bern, Hochschulstrasse 4, 3012 Bern -
Agroecology Works!, SWISSAID, HEKS, Azione Quaresimale, Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) Universität Bern
The closing event explores what the agroecological movement in Switzerland can learn from the global movement, especially from the South. The aim is to develop and strengthen strategies in and beyond Switzerland to amplify agroecological transitions, build community and conceptual clarity.
We will hear people from very active and successful agroecological movements in the South, as well as a speech by Prof. Miguel Altieri from the University of California, Berkeley. We will then form working groups on "Agricultural and Food Policies," "Economic Alternatives that Connect Producers and Consumers in New Ways," and "Risks in Co-opting Agroecology." In doing so, we will develop concrete next steps for how we can walk together to advance the agroecological movement and unite the many initiatives that were present during the Days of Agroecology.
- Welcome and instructions
- International presentations of agroecological transformations: Nepal, Mali, Mexico
- Presentation of Miguel Altieri (with Q&A)
- Break and snack
- Workshop with inputs from Switzerland and working groups on better links between producers and consumers, the risk of co-optation, and de-blocking the agricultural policy.
- Presentation of results, followed by Apéro
The event is open for everyone. Please sign up for the event.